Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Greetingcards and cross stitching

I always liked cross stitching and now decided to combine it in greetingcards and tags for presents. Cross stitching always makes things look more home style and Christmas is a family holiday, so it is just one perfect occasion for it I believe :)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Something more to reveal

Christmas has come. Not all the presents are opened yet, but some things are possible to see. My opinion is that making a gift to someone is not just the gift itself, it is about the way it packed too, giving a thought to every single thing. So there are some of my "packing ideas". You will learn what is hidden a little bit later. Patience, please :))) And Merry Christmas!!!

That was a gift to a girl who had a birthday right before Christmas.

A tag is always necessary, makes it much more personal, and easier to find who exactly it belongs to hehehehe

One of the ways to pack a book.

A funny way to combine a present for a kid and a symbol of 2011, the rabbit.

It definitely needed some things inside to hide what the present is and it was done after the picture was made.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


So here are postcards I made for my daughter's friends, just girls, recently :) Always nice to get a present made just for you, unique and only.

It was the first time I used a new technique, pop-up picture. It is when letters are cut vertically in a way that every time you open a postcard, the letters just pop up. It took quite a while to make it but I enjoyed the result.

This one was more simple and fast in making. But it was appreciated by the girl it was made for anyway :)


I always liked to make things with my own hands. If there was something I wanted to do but did not know how, I tried to learn how to do it. My first attempts could be clumsy and not always good, but being perfectionist by nature, I had no problems of doing it again and again. There are so many types of craft art I want to learn more about so I am moving in this direction slowly but surely. I started with making some things for people around me on some special occasions or just for fun of doing it, but never really got into blogging. And here I am now, sharing my ideas, creations and projects. I start with some small things, more is coming in the end of December but this is a surprise yet shshshshsh :)