Saturday, April 30, 2011

Late Happy Easter!

I have already showed you some of the work done about the greeting cards you see today. I am late with easter ones this time but unfortunately I did not have the possibility to do it before.

Happy birthday card, iris folding technique used.

A nice font and a poem make it complete.
Late Easter cards. Elements on the cards below are cut out of paper, so using paper of two colours makes great effects. Red and golden.
Red, green and 3D stickers
Bunnies :)) Never bad for Easter. Purple, blue, violet and 3D stickers.
A complicated bunny :) You can just guess how much time it takes to cut it all out, but the result is worth it. I used a cardboard with double side effect, brown from outside, black from inside, a yellow one and 3D sticker
Happy Easter! Even though it is a little late :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Iris folding

I am in the process of doing some new greeting cards. Just wanted to say a couple of words about one of my last purchases - self healing cutting mat. Some of my projects would be hard to implement if I did not have it. Very helpful considering that I am using it a lot recently. And you can see how much I need to cut out :))

So, iris folding. This technique is originated in Holland. Colour coordinated strips of folded paper are taped into place over a pattern, creating a spiralling design that resembles the iris of an eye or camera. Now it is common to use lightweight papers including those used for origami to create iris folding designs. That is what I found in internet about it. I decided to use my old beauty catalogs for it since paper is quite lightweight there. Besides a wide choice of shades of different colours is in offer. And you know I am a maniac of reusing :))
Patterns are easy to find in internet so all you have to do is cut and tape :) I was so involved into it that it did not take much time besides I was quite curious about the result. That is how it looked from behind. Not that fancy?
Here is the front side. Quite impressive. Exactly what I wanted to get. Nice colour and shade transitions. Besides it smells good as well since pages of the catalog were scented :)
The greeting card itself is not finished. That is just a piece of it. Stay tuned and I'll show it soon:)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Skaper The Peacemaker

Let me introduce Skaper The Peacemaker. He is a real warrior but there is a gentle soul and a loving heart behind the armor. He prefers not to have any armament. The shield to protect himself and the pennant to be noticed by those who needs his help. Skaper is courageous and never afraid to show his real feelings. Brings love, understanding and peace )))

Now speaking seriously. Well, a little more serious ))) The idea to start making sculptures (hard to call them toys) using something that is out of use have grown in my head long time ago. But I was always finding excuses not to do it. 'It is not that easy, I don't have stuff for it, I can spoil it all' - I was telling to myself. The best way to end it all up is to try. It either works or not. So I just dived into it and here he is. I am satisfied with the result and it gave me more of a confidence and inspiration to keep doing things alike. The next one is already in progress.
Maybe someone will find it clumsy but it is my first baby so I love it the way it is. Well, it seems he needs eyes but it is never too late to make some little corrections )))
I find this view from behind very cute. Can't fail but smiling.
So all I used was kitchenware, some screws and a lot of desire to make it right.
Peace )))

Monday, April 4, 2011

Repurposing... Again

I keep talking about reusing and repurposing. Nowadays, when people start thinking more about being 'ecologically friendly', creating less wastes is important. Besides I am a true fan of giving a new beginning to something that might have ended up in a trash can. Even if you have just a little of imagination, those ideas are not hard to find if you just give it a thought. Or two ))

Look at these cute little things. I had some wine bottles wrapped up in canvas bags. Texture, that is what I liked best about it. I never throw away buttons, fabric decorations and little pieces of ribbons you may find attached to the shoulders of new clothing you buy, which people usually just cut off. In cases like that it is a good finish touch.

It is good that in many countries it is easy to bring plastic bottles to recycling collectors. In our country it is not that common, yet hopefully. So I try to reuse them. And they make really nice gift boxes. I wrapped one of them in a plastic net that used to be a part of a bouquet.
This net is a part of a pack of some sport equipment. Covered with silver acrylic paint it makes a nice gift card decoration.
You have already met this cutie in the center. And now you know it is made of a sock, not an old one though ))) Those on the right are to be repurposed yet.
My latest creation. It is repurposed as well. But this little thing deserves a longer story . So until the next time.
Have yourself at least one repurposing day and maybe some things in the world will change to better.