Friday, February 4, 2011

Tools I use

Proper tools' using is one of the most important parts in making crafts if you want the item look really good. I have been experimenting with a lot of different types. It was a long path full of disappointments sometimes. You can just imagine how one can feel creating something and it looks bad just because they chose wrong glue or paint or whatever ))) A few samples might be just thrown away until you get what you really want to get.

So scissors... I use a lot as you can see. Long blades are good when you need one long cut, small ones for detailed cutting. You need some to be sharp, some not, so experience comes with attempts, mistakes and lessons )))

It is not just scissors I use to cut something off hahaha Roller blade is really good for a long clean cut. I use zigzag scissors if it is necessary to make a nice cut for cards or if I don't want fabric to spill. That small knife is one of my latest purchases. I realized I need it when started making pop-art cards. Really handy. I can hold it as a pencil so it allows me to cut different angles or curves. But finger hurts like crazy after hahahaha

Glues... Most of my craft disappointments are connected with wrong choice of it. So from what I experienced for now white glue is baaaad for cards :) Paper gets moist and loses its shape. But sometimes it is necessary to have it anyway. Still my choice for greetings cards is a heavy duty transparent glue, but not the instant one!!! Instant glue is deadly for paper, goes through it and leaves stains you never get rid off. That violet glue stick you see is really magic hehehe It leaves violet marks and you can see what area is glued and which is not and then it just disappears. Voila!
Glue gun... What is it actually? It is kind of plastic that is melting allowing you to glue one thing to another. It is really good for fabrics if it is no way you can sew something on, but not good for different kind of plastic or metal. Never glues none of those in a proper way. Or it should be such a decent amount of it that it will be just glue in the end hahaha Dries out really fast so you should be faster ))
Paints and pencils... I like silver acrylic paint I have. If you follow my posts you could see it in a lot of stuff I make. Pencils with metallic effect and gel pens of different colors are always good for paper, with one but. It takes longer time for gel pens to get really dry so they have a tendency to smear. Should be really careful making fonts. Mondeluz watercolor pencils by Koh-i-Noor just don't need any comments :) Love them! Not using them much unfortunately.
Brushes, different types and length. Usual pencils of different softness and thickness. And yes... even a dot maker they use for nail art. Very handy at times. Anything is good when you know which effect you wish to achieve. I used a needle recently but it is yet another story to tell :)
Forgot to tell about carbon paper. I felt I needed it sometimes so here we go. Things a greeting card is being born with hehehehe
You will be able to see the results in my next post.
Use proper tools and stay tuned :D

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